How can we help you?

Our products are produced in Turkey, Portugal, China and Peru. Happy Socks ensures that suppliers are of high standards; from quality, social and environmental perspective, by making a holistic assessment before we bring them in as an approved business partner. We collaborate closely with our suppliers and make regular visits as well as inspections at their facilities.

We carry out on site supplier assessments at least once a year that are performed by staff from our Stockholm headquarters. In addition, we have local production offices in Istanbul, Turkey as well as in Shanghai, China. Our production office team members have daily contact with our suppliers and visit them frequently. During those visits, production quality and facility standards are controlled and discussed.

Happy Socks is a member of Amfori, participating in their BSCI program, and we also require that our suppliers are audited through Amfori BSCI. We accept a BSCI audit report where the final score is C or above, and we also collaborate with our suppliers on continuous improvements in this area. If a supplier has an approved SEDEX report, we can also accept that while the supplier prepares for BSCI audit.

The suppliers are also required to sign the Happy Socks Code of Conduct to make sure they maintain high standards, no child labour is used and no other forms of abuse occur. In addition, for chemical safety we require all suppliers to comply with REACH, sign our Restricted substance list as well as becoming Oeko-Tex certified.

What is the Happy Socks Code of Conduct?
The Happy Socks Code of Conduct is a clarification of our requirements for environmental and social equity. The requirements set in our Code of Conduct are based on the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child and the ILO 8 Core Conventions.

For more information, please have a look at our Code of Conduct.

What is Amfori BSCI?
The Amfori BSCI, a common Code of Conduct, regulates working environment issues, including workplace health and safety, working hours, industrial compensation and the prohibition of child labour.

For more information, visit the Amfori BSCI website.

What is SEDEX?
Companies which undergo a SEDEX audit can prove to their customers that they respect the principles of ethically and socially sustainable production.

For more information, visit the SEDEX website.

What is Oeko-Tex?
Oeko-Tex is a certification system for materials used in a certain product. The certification confirms that the material and/or final product is correctly produced without hazardous and toxic substances.

For more information, visit the Oeko-Tex website.

How do you monitor the country of origin of the cotton used in your products?
The cotton used in our products is sourced from Turkey, India and Peru. We require the factories we work with to be able to provide documentation to disclose the source of cotton. We monitor the process closely by being in constant contact with all our suppliers. Additionally, part of our sock collection is produced with certified organic cotton according to OCS (Organic Content Standard). Through the OCS certification we can secure the traceability of the organic cotton from the farmer to the ready made sock.

How do you ensure that your products are free from hazardous chemicals?
Our suppliers and sub-suppliers have to commit to following the regulation set in REACH, a regulation within EU for hazardous and toxic chemicals. To help our suppliers further pursue environmental responsibility in terms of reducing use of harmful substances, we also require that they become Oeko-Tex STANDARD 100 certified.